Waiting for your next courses or finished GO - please read about what to do next.

Students: We track student requests for courses. As soon as your GO teacher has confirmed you are completed our registration desk is advised and we will add you to your next course that is pending. At this point most students who started on September 4 have completed GO and we are adding courses for students once your teacher confirms all work is assessed and you are complete. 

Please be patient with this process. It takes 24 hours for us to process a completion and add a new course. If you are waiting in the meantime please use this opportunity to do the following:

  • Please check grades in the navigation block and be sure you have read and followed the feedback and any instructions your teacher has provided. Many of you say your are done but your teacher has asked you to double back and improve your learning. i do not want students to begin a course until one is finished. Our research shows us that once we release another course students avoid circling back. 
  • Check your @prs26 email and ensure you have replied to any messages. 
  • Check Moodle message to be sure you haven't missed anything. 
  • Review the dashboard information: https://moodle.prs26.ca/my/
    • Register for REMIND - instruction on the dashboard  so you are receiving texts for the school re snow days and other announcements.
    • Review the messages on Twitter - fed onto the dashboard.
    • Review the announcements pinned to the top for this year
    • Review the deadline dates for each quarter. - post these to your own calendar in google
    • Diploma students - please ensure you have reviewed all the information on our website and the exam schedule on the dashboard
    • download the workplans and calculator from the dashboard and make your workplan for your next course and calculate hours required to complete according to your timeline.
    • check the Blackboard scheduled times and set up calendar reminders for yourself to attend. I expect students to be in touch with their teachers every week, and attend scheduled instructional Bladckboards as advised by your teachers. 
    • Use this opportunity to work on other courses. 
  • If you think something is amiss please speak with our registration desk at pbb.registration@pallisersd.ab.ca

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Thank you! You guys were great to work with!

Parent Feedback,, Summer School

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