
Palliser Beyond Borders (PBB) is both a stand-alone school, acting as the primary school for more than 130 students in grades 9 thru 12, as well as a partner school for high school students within the Palliser School Division and across Alberta.

Students attending a partner school of PBB are provided the flexibility to take courses that may be unavailable while maintaining enrollment at their primary school. High school students enrolled with PBB have access to all of the courses required by Alberta Education to graduate, as well as a large variety of option courses.

PBB’s grades 9 classes focus on the core academic subjects (English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) from Monday to Thursday as well as social, emotional, and physical wellness on Friday. Live Online grade 9 students also have an option to complete some high school credits in the second semester.

Mandate Statement

PBB exists as a school to provide:

  • a learning approach that blends synchronous and asynchronous learning.
  • access to learning opportunities for families whose needs are not met by traditional schools.
  • Alberta students with a flexible learning pathway towards high school graduation.
  • our partner schools with a platform to increase the course offerings available to their students.
  • an umbrella organization to oversee Palliser’s Home Education and Outreach programs (Coaldale and Vulcan).

Our Fundamental Principals

PBB employs the following methods to support student learning:

  • clear expectations of families surrounding their involvement in their student’s education.
  • a synchronous component (meeting with their teacher) to asynchronous learning.
  • staggered schedules to provide instructional and work periods.
  • access to teachers during scheduled class time as well as by appointment.
  • access to course content through an online learning management system.

Thank you! You guys were great to work with!

Parent Feedback,, Summer School

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