Student Expecations

Students intending to register need to be aware of the following:

  • Course content is delivered online; paper copies are not available.
  • Students need to have the appropriate hardware to connect and learn online. (A strong internet connection and a desktop or laptop computer)
  • Success in online courses relies heavily on the ability to self-start and self-motivate as a learner.

Attendance will be reported once per week. Being marks absent means that the student has not been attending to learning for the entire week. Attendance to learning with PBB means:

  • Completing assigned learning tasks regularly
  • Connecting to learning resources regularly 
  • Connecting to teachers at least weekly via live sessions, individual appointments, or electronic communication (email or chat) of an academic nature

Students who have previously demonstrated a lack of attendance to learning with PBB or with their home school may not have their registration request for classes with PBB accepted.

To begin, I just want to say I miss being in your classes so much! I loved literally every project I did in both Psychology and Forensics, and I loved how you were always available to help or give me creative freedom in my assignment. 

Morgan, 12

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