Attendance Policy

Students who are registered with one of our Palliser Outreaches which fall under the umbrella of Palliser Beyond Borders are required to follow our attendance policy:

  • Students will require and intake meeting and the establishment of a personalized learning plan. 
  • While courses are designed to allow students to progress at their own rate, expectations that students will successfully complete courses in an appropriate timeframe will be no less than expectations for course completion present in traditional schools.
  • School staff members are available for instruction and assistance to students at all times during the school day.
  • Students enrolled at an outreach school but who fail to meet completion schedules in their academic program may be placed on a probationary status. Such probation will require a specified amount of coursework to be completed by a time certain, as determined through consultation involving the student, the staff and the parent/guardian. Failure to meet probationary standards may result in the student being removed as a registered student at an outreach school.
  • All students enrolled in senior high school courses having diploma examinations will be required to write those examinations at the provincially scheduled times in order to complete the course.
  • Students are required to attend to learning, which means:
    • Access instruction as outlined in your timetable.
    • Attend off campus RAP, Work experience, Career Internship as timetabled with your Outreach teacher.

From taking the CALM 20 course online through Palliser Beyond Borders. I have learned an indescribable amount of content! Through taking this course by this method I have had the opportunity of gaining a greater perspective. I have come to understand that everyone learns differently. This is why to many students this course is perfect.

Torrie, Grade 12

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