Outreach students: mandatory attendance required September 30

Students: as part of our enrollment requirements for Alberta Education for Outreach students your attendance is required at our Outreaches on Friday September 30. As part of the kickoff to our school year we will 

  • servie muffins, juice, hot choclolate
  • have an all wide assembly across all campuses for all students @ 8:45 am and 12:15 pm.Students are asked to attend one of these times and to sign in on the attendance book at the school site. 
  • welcome parents who wish to meet teachers and learn more about our Outreach and online program at Palliser Beyond Borders.

We look forward to launching a successful sschool year with you!

Best Regards, Alison Hancox

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It's funny! I am understanding this online math course way more than I ever did in the classroom. 

Bobby, Adult Student

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