Have you connected with your teacher since you started your course?

Dear Students: Please be sure that you connect with your teacher in your Moodle course as soon as you are given access. It is important that your teacher knows you have been released your course after GO and you are ready to start. If you let time go by, our research tell us that this affects completion in a negative way. Make it a priority, please. Be an active online student! What does an active student look like:

  • replies to moodle messages
  • reads school announcements on dashboard and school newsletters
  • replies to teacher announcements on discussion forums
  • reads emails daily and replies to teacher emails, texts, calls
  • logs into Blackboard sessions at scheduled times or books Blackboard times with teacher during open office times
  • logs into Moodle course regularly and hands in assignments according to your work plan.
  • contacts teachers as soon as you run into something you need help with.

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I have to admit that when I enrolled last September, I had thought the journey to today, would have been much more difficult and arduous than turned out to be the case.

John, 2018 Graduate, 12

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