Count Down: 15 weeks to go to June 1. How to calculate how many hours you need to work each week in your online courses

by Alison Hancox_Admin - Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Students: Are you trying to figure out how to complete your course before the upcoming deadlines? Here is a chart to use to calculate what you need to commit to, depending on

  • the time frame you are giving yourself and
  • how many credits your course is and
  • how far along you are. 

Based on today's date here is an estimate to help you track your hours to focus on your course so you can create the deadline for yourself. Use this chart to calculate for yourself what targets you want to meet:


If you plan to work on your course during the upcoming winter break you can cut down the weekly commitment you need to make to complete your course. 

Example: I have done 2/6 modules in my course and plan to write a diploma in this course in April. I need to commit to 14 hours/week. If I work full time 5 HOURS PER DAY next week during winter break , I can reduce my commitment to 11 hours per week for the 5 weeks remaining.

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