Calculating Time Spent to Complete a Course

See link for calculator below

See link for calculator below

Make a copy of our calculator so you can coordinate your own learning each week and determine how many hours you need to commit to successfully complete!.

---> September - June Time Calculator Link <---

Summer Time Calculator Link:

If your hours and highlighted green then you have set a reasonable goal to succeed.

If your hours are highlighted yellow then we are cautioning you to determine if that is reasonable or if you have the scheduled time to complete by the due date or time frame you have created.

If your hours are highlighted in red then we are asking you to reconsider your time frame or be prepared to be working full days on a course in a very compressed time frame. (Which may apply to a summer school semester where student can expect to work in a course 5-7 hours per day to successfully complete in the 4 week time frame)

Do you know how many hours you CAN commit to complete your courses? Use these tables to calculate

Click on this link to create you own calculator and see the three additional tabs with the tables. Link:

For example: You know you are 1/2 way through your 5 credit course. You know you can spend 6 hours per week. The chart below shows you can expect to complete in the next 10 weeks, which is right on target for June completions based on a March 23 date. 

A new strategy that I learned and want to use is to strive to improve and to act on the feedback that is given to me to help me improve my learning.

Sara,, Grade 11

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