Grade 10 Student survey due by February 24. Please read and follow the link

Students: Grade 10 students will have received an email from me in your email about completing the Alberta Education Survey for our school accountability pillar. Alberta Education is looking for your opinions about your experience in education at our school. We value your contribution. It is anonymous.

Please retrieve the access code I emailed to you on January 18 and complete the survey linked below. If you do not have the code please contact me or one of our admin assistants at our Outreach sites.

Your responses are reported on our school's accountability pillar. Teachers and parents in grades 10 will also be surveyed.

Students and teachers access the survey at

When completing the survey consider the following:

  • If you are completing the survey as an outreach student please respond thinking about all of your learning experiences at the Outreach including learning online, in paper or face to face.

  • If you are responding as a Palliser Beyond Borders and/or a  concurrent  student think about your learning opportunities both online, in paper, and available to you through your Palliser high school.

  • When considering the education and selection of subjects think about the opportunities online, in paper, onsite in the outreaches and opportunities that are blended between face to face in other Palliser Schools and online courses

  • When considering safety at our school consider both safety in the physical space at the outreaches if it affects you and online in our online learning community, including google, moodle and Blackboard collaborate communities.

  • When considering improvement in opportunities or education think about opportunities that are available online, on paper, onsite, in collaboration with our high school partner schools.

Please complete the survey by Feb 24, 2017.

Best regards, Alison Hancox

Principal, Palliser Beyond Borders


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