Our School survey released until June 25, 2020 - please check your emails for usernames and passwords.

Students at Palliser Beyond Borders and Outreaches will be invited to complete an anonymous survey. Please check your emails for a user name and password to complete the survey Our School. 

Palliser Beyond Borders teachers and principal are looking for student opinions about their experience in our Outreaches and online. We value student voice and contributions. It is anonymous, voluntary, and participants may skip any questions they are not comfortable answering. Student voice helps us shape Palliser Beyond Borders and how we can improve educational opportunities.

About the OurSCHOOL Student Survey:

● Allows students to share their feedback anonymously on their experiences at school, school environment and school improvement programs.
● Participation in the survey is voluntary, however all students are encouraged to participate.
● The time required to complete the survey may vary, but it is designed to be completed in approximately 35-40 minutes.

Survey measures include such topics as behaviours and attitudes linked to student success, emotional and social well-being and physical health. For more information about the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please visit The Learning Bar Inc.’s website: www.thelearningbar.com.

If you have questions or would like to request more information about the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please contact alison.hancox@pallisersd.ab.ca.
Students are asked to complete this survey by June 25, 2025.

Best Regards,

Alison Hancox, MET
Palliser Beyond Borders and Outreaches

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Having the opportunity to learn at my own pace was something that really helped me and other students get through high school. Being an independent student and having access to all of my assignments was a big help. I found myself accomplishing things I never thought possible.

Travis, Grade 12

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