Heritage Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) Program at the University of Calgary: July 6 to August 17, 2017

The University of Calgary is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2017 Alberta Innovates Heritage Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) program.


The HYRS program is designed for motivated Grade 11 students in Alberta high schools to gain first-hand experience with biomedical and health research, and to introduce them to career opportunities in research. The University of Calgary will host approximately twenty students from July 6th to August 17th, 2017. We invite you to pass on the news about HYRS to exceptional Grade 11 students in your school and encourage them to apply.


HYRS is not just a laboratory work experience. It is a well-rounded program focused on Grade 11 students, as they have a year remaining of high school in which to consider their future university studies in light of their HYRS experience.


Because the students will be working alongside university researchers who are volunteering their time to be mentors, we want to ensure that the students selected are not only bright, but curious about science, willing to ask questions, and show a genuine interest in the possibility of scientific research as an educational and career direction.


During the program, HYRS participants will meet at least once a week for a variety of activities to broaden and enhance their research experience. Activities include safety and introductory training sessions, tours of campus and other research facilities, lectures on health research, and discussions with guest speakers about their careers in research.


HYRS participants will invite their referring science teachers to participate in a Teachers’ Day held at the end of the program. Teachers’ Day offers science teachers the opportunity to meet with fellow teachers, top biomedical and health researchers, and to learn about leading research.


In the school year following the program, each participant is required to prepare and present a research poster about their project and commit to giving a presentation about their HYRS experience to a science class of younger students at their high school.


Applicants require at least an 85% standing in each of Math 20-1 or Math 20-2, Biology 20, and one other Grade 11 science class, which is the minimum requirement to work in a university laboratory (grade 12 courses will not be considered for eligibility to the HYRS Program). As part of the application, students must submit an electronic (scanned) copy of their most recent grade reports stamped by the school office. Please note that the HYRS program will not accept applications from Grade 10 and 12 students.


Applications are submitted online and include a short essay. Students should read the application guidelines and review the application form before completing their application. Visit ucalgary.ca/research/hyrs for complete details.


Applicants are required to have two of their science teachers (or one math and one science teacher) submit a reference. Applicants are also required to have one community member (an adult who is not a relative and is from outside their school) submit a reference to support their application. Referees will receive an email with instructions to complete their references once the student submits their application. To ensure equal consideration of all references, only two teacher references and one community reference per student will be accepted.


All applications, including references, must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Monday, March 20, 2017. The University of Calgary will only accept applications for students going to school in Red Deer and south to, but not including, Claresholm. Only two HYRS awards will be offered per high school in order to allow participation from throughout central Alberta.


A poster can be downloaded from the University of Calgary Alberta Innovates HYRS website or by clicking here, we encourage you to feel free to reproduce and circulate to interested students, teachers, and parents!


For general inquiries regarding the HYRS program, including the application process, eligibility requirements, and residence, please contact Marissa Montgomery at rsotrainee@ucalgary.ca or (403) 220-4495.


For more information, see the University of Calgary website: ucalgary.ca/research/hyrs.




John Reynolds

Associate Vice-President (Research)

University of Calgary


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I have to admit that when I enrolled last September, I had thought the journey to today, would have been much more difficult and arduous than turned out to be the case.

John, 2018 Graduate, 12

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