CTS courses

  • Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses offered online

    Palliser Beyond Borders is pleased to offer students a wide range of credit CTS courses online.

    For a list of prerequisite CTS course requirements, click here.

    Alberta Program of Studies for CTS


    Students explore and gain an understanding of the diversity and significance of agriculture. Alberta Program of Studies for Agriculture

    Agriculture 1010 (Introduction to Agriculture) Students explore and gain an understanding of the diversity and significance of agriculture. 

    Agriculture 1040 (Animal Basics) Students learn to identify and demonstrate the basic steps involved in raising and caring for a domestic animal. Students gain an understanding of general care to ensure animal health. 

    Agriculture 3000 (Agriculture Safety)  Students recognize and assess the hazards and manage the risks of working in agriculture.

    Agriculture 3000-2 , two-credit bundled with HCS 3010 (Workplace Safety Practices)

    Alberta Education Website for Natural Resources (NAT)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Agriculture

  • COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY - Getting Online (GO) orientation

    The Getting Online (GO) orientation prepares students to take courses with Palliser Beyond Borders by gaining competence in using information management systems software, working through schedules, discussing the importance of communication with teachers and workplans, and increasing their understanding of working with the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) and Google Workspace. Upon completion of the orientation, students will receive 5 credits, and will be ready for online learning.

    Credits include:

    COM 1255: E-Learning and Learning Management Systems

    INF1030: Word Processing 1

    INF1910: Project

    INF2090: Correspondence

    INFO3080: Project Management Tools

    Alberta Education website for Media, Design & Communication Arts (MDC)

    Alberta Program of studies for Communication Technology



    The first programming course is a 5 credit course that covers an introduction to electronic circuits (both theory and practical), an introduction to computer programming using the Arduino programming boards and breadboards. The course will contain assignments of increasing complexity and end with a major project designed and planned by the student to encompass everything that they have learned in the course. this course will provide credit in the following CTS courses:

      • NET1910: NET PROJECT A

    The Alberta Program of Studies for these courses are found in the CSE and NET clusters on this page. 


    This course is part of the Natural Resources Career and technology cluster called Environmental Stewrdship

    ENS1030: Consumerism: Students develop an understanding of consumerism and consumption rates, their complexity and how they impact sustainable development. This course has been developed to work on mobile technology and can be entirely completed on mobile devices. 

    Alberta Program of Studies


    COS 1010 (Personal and Professional Practices) Introductory level where students develop increased appreciation for the significance of personal grooming in various life situations, as well as the knowledge and skills required to maintain a personal health and safety plan.

    COS 1020 (Long Hair Design 1) Prerequisite: COS1010: Personal & Professional Practices -Students handle hair confidently, brush, comb and part hair correctly and create ropes, knots and two- or three-strand braids.

    COS1910 COS Project A Prerequisite:None - Description:Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.

    COURSE COS2010: (Long Hair Design 2) Prerequisite: COS1020: Long Hair Design 1 - Students use photos or other images as guides to recreate a variety of hair designs using long hair techniques.

    • Note: Course must be delivered and assessed by a certified journeyperson instructor if a hairstylist trade pathway is being followed.


    COS3020: Long Hair Design 3 Prerequisite: COS2010: Long Hair Design 2 - Students design and produce symmetrical and asymmetrical long hair designs.


    • Note: Course must be delivered and assessed by a certified journeyperson instructor if a hairstylist trade pathway is being followed.

    Alberta Program of Studies for Cosmetology


    *Palliser Beyond Borders has a certified journeyperson on staff for anyone wanting to follow a hairstylist trade pathway*


    10-15 hours in a licensed childcare facility arranged by student required for all courses

    CCS 3110 (Early Learning and Child Care1)Students investigate the roles and responsibilities of a child care worker, and develop communication, observation and skills for guiding behaviour.

    CCS 3120 (Early Learning and Child Care 2)Prerequisite: CCS3110 Students will develop skills to assist in promoting the physical, intellectual and language development in children from birth to age six.

    CCS 3130 (Early Learning and Chlid Care 3)Prerequiste: CCS3120 -Students will develop skills to assist in promoting the social-emotional and creative development with children from birth to age 6. Students also will examine the development of learning through play.

    CCS 3140 (Early Learning & Child Care 4)Prereuisite:CCS3130 -Students will examine family dynamics and issues, as well as the cultural diversity of the children and families under their care. Students also will develop skills to support and promote the cultural identity of children.

    CCS 3150 (Early Learning & Child Care 5)Prerequisite:CCS3140- Students will learn appropriate practices related to routines in a child care program. Students also will plan for the health, safety and well-being of children in child care programs.

    Alberta Education website for Health, recreation and Human Services (HRH)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Early learning and Childcare



    FOD 1010 (Food Basics)Students learn to make wise food choices and to understand recipes, equipment, care in handling food, and the importance of safe and efficient work habits.

    FOODS 1020 (Baking)Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics -Students develop an understanding of basic baking ingredients by combining them in a variety of ways to make cookies, cakes, muffins and biscuits.

    FOD 1030 (Snacks and Appetizers)Snacks And Appetizers Prerequisite FOD1010: Food Basics -Students apply the importance of snacking to the way we eat by making nutritious as well as delicious snacks and appetizers.

    FOD 1050 (Fast and convenience foods)Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students consider budget, time, quality of food and food alternatives by making wise choices in the buying, using and preparing of fast foods and convenience foods.

    FOD 1040 (Meal Planning One) Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students will develop an understanding of planning, preparation, and evaluation of balanced healthy meals.

    FOD 1050 (FAst and Convenience Foods) Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students consider budget, time, quality of food and food alternatives by making wise choices in the buying, using and preparing of fast foods and convenience foods

    FOD 1060 (Canadian Heritage Foods) Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students become aware of how food in Canada today reflects the country’s history and origins by examining food patterns and customs, and by analyzing and preparing ethnic foods.

    FOD 1070 (Farm to Table) coming soon! Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students explore the basic steps involved in planting, growing and harvesting a plant commodity or in raising, growing and finishing an animal commodity in Alberta, and identify how the finished product is incorporated into a recipe.

    FOD 1080 (Food and Nutrition Basics) coming soon! Prerequisite: FOD1010: Food Basics Students learn about leader nutrients, what foods they are found in, how such foods affect performance and future health as they participate in healthy food preparation.

    Alberta Education Website for Health, Recreation & Human Services (HRH)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Foods



    HCS 3000 (Workplace Safety Systems)  Students gain the attitudes, knowledge and skills related to workplace health and safety and examine relevant legislation required in the workplace. This is the pre-requisite for all work experience and RAP programs.

    HCS3010 (Workplace Safety Practices) bundled with Agriculture 3000  (Agriculture Safety).  Prerequisite: HCS3000- Students explore workplace safety principles and practices, and apply these principles and practices to a variety of contexts.

    Alberta Education Website for Health, Recreation & Human Services (HRH)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Workplace Safety



    The BIT cluster (Business, Administration, Finance & Information Technology) focuses on the management, marketing and use of electronic technologies to access, use and manipulate information within personal, family, workplace, community and global contexts.

    INF1030: WORD PROCESSING 1: Students are introduced to the proper use of word processing software, including document creation, editing and printing of properly formatted documents. 

    COURSE INF2020: KEYBOARDING Students enhance their occupational level keyboarding competence of all keystroke functions, using unedited, edited and straight copy material.

    Alberta Program of Studies 


    HSS 1010 (Health Services Foundations) Students examine fundamental attitudes, knowledge and skills to prepare for further study in career pathways in health, recreation and community services. Concepts related to the determinants of health, the dimensions of wellness, basic principles of anatomy, physiology and disease, and basic safety and reporting protocols for providing care to individuals in health, recreation, volunteer and community support settings are reviewed.

    HSS 1020 (Nutrition and Wellness) Students learn the importance of nutrition and hydration for the promotion and maintenance of physical, emotional and social health and wellness throughout life. Students evaluate food and supplement choices, the effects of activity on nutritional requirements and the use of labels to improve daily nutritional intake at all ages.

    HSS 1080 (Student Leadership) Students explore basic principles of leadership and evaluate their personal leadership characteristics and qualities. Students develop a plan for their personal growth as a member of a leadership team and examine the various behaviours, skills and roles of team members that contribute to team effectiveness.

    HSS 1050/2050/3060 (Mentorship)

    HSS1050: INTRODUCTION TO MENTORSHIP Students learn about the characteristics of positive mentoring relationships in their personal lives and society. Students prepare to engage in a mentoring relationship. Students apply basic mentoring skills to a mentoring relationship and explore considerations for safety related to mentoring.

    HSS2050: BECOMING A MENTOR Students analyze the relationship between mentoring and the wellness of individuals and communities. Students build a personal profile to prepare for their role as a mentor and demonstrate mentoring skills. Prerequisite: HSS1050: Introduction to Mentorship

    HSS3060: EXTENDING THE MENTORING RELATIONSHIP Students demonstrate effective strategies for enhancing resiliency in the context of a mentoring relationship. Students examine unique populations that commonly occur in communities and adapt mentoring activities to meet the needs of supported populations and cultural differences, including differences related to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) perspectives. Prerequisite: HSS2050: Becoming a Mentor


    HSS 2040 (Family Foundations) Students gain an appreciation for their roles in strengthening current and future family relationships and the rights, roles and responsibilities of family members throughout the family life cycle. Students examine changes that occur within a family and the required adjustments family members must make to manage changes effectively. Cultural diversities are investigated and community resources that support families are identified.


    Alberta Education Website for Health, Recreation, And Human Services (HRH)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Health Services 




    Students analyze the historical development of at least one specific sport, including an in-depth analysis of the rules of play. Students analyze the roles and responsibilities of officials in sport and demonstrate officiating skills for a specific sport in simulated scenarios and actual practices and games.

    Prerequisite: None


    Students explore the structure and function of community, amateur and professional sport organizations. The impact of sport organizations and events on society is also examined.

    Prerequisite: None

    See learning outcomes in the Alberta Program of Studies.

  • Sport Performance 10 (HSS 1020, REC1040, REC 1910)

    This course is offered as a three credit bundle. 


    Students learn the importance of nutrition and hydration for the promotion and maintenance of physical, emotional and social health and wellness throughout life. Students evaluate food and supplement choices, the effects of activity on nutritional requirements and the use of labels to improve daily nutritional intake at all ages. 

    Prerequisite: None


    Students apply basic training and movement principles to health-related and performance-related components of fitness training. Students create fitness activities and develop a basic individual fitness plan to achieve goals for healthrelated and performance-related components.

    Prerequisite: None


    Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.

    Prerequisite: None

    See Alberta Program of Studies for learning outcomes.



    Students analyze the organizational structure of the tourism industry at local, provincial, national and global levels.
    Students will perform introductory investigations of employment opportunities in tourism.

    Prerequisite: None

    Alberta Program of Studies for Tourism


    WLD 1070/2070 (Hunter Education and Hunting and Game Management Theory and Practice for two credits) Students develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge related to wildlife and ecosystems, and an understanding for the need to manage wildlife.

    Alberta Education Website for Natural Resources (NAT)

    Alberta Program of Studies for Wildlife

    *Please note:

    Hunter Education Certification requires a $70.00 fee that is paid to the Alberta Hunter Education Instructor's Association for the use of these materials.

    Students will pay their fee and then be enrolled in the course. Students who complete the course with an 80% on the Final Exam will receive their Alberta Hunter Training certification.

    Students who complete the final exam with a mark over 50% will receive two CTS credits with Alberta Education.
    For convenience, Palliser Beyond Borders has arranged to accept payment 
    from students and forward this payment to AHEIA.



As a parent, I appreciate this targeted and individualized approach. I am so proud to see the work he does every day in school and how he has been guided to reach his potential.

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