How is news shared at Palliser Beyond Borders?

Regular newsletters such as this one are posted on our website under

    • news on the homepage and
    • news under current students
    • These are simultaneously posted to Facebook and Twitter. Please like and follow us.
    • The twitter feed is on the home page of each course
      • Newsletters are emailed home to parents via an automated synervoice messaging service. Be sure we have your parent email on file if you are not receiving them.



  • Copies of our newsletters are shared with Palliser Schools and linked on their school websites.
  • Paper copies of our newsletters are available at our Outreach campuses.

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Again thank you so much for everything, because if it wasn't for great teachers like you, I wouldn't have enjoyed school as much, and I probably wouldn't have discovered what I am truly passionate about. It's the teachers who have a connection with their students and share their passion are the ones who influence those around them the most. Thanks to the help from you and from my regular teachers in school, I was able to come out as a Most Improved Student and as a Top Performer in Social Studies 30-2. It goes to show what having good teachers and good programs can do!

Morgan, 12

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